What happens during a life coaching session?

This may seem counter intuitive to you, but it’s actually a very good question and one I’m always glad to answer.
Being curious about what kind of work will be performed and how is a great starting point to understand whether this is the right approach for you or not.
Those who don’t ask this question (and some don’t, although very few) usually assume they already know how it works and then end up being surprised when they find out they were wrong! Luckily, their reaction is always positive, as they discover that reality exceeds expectations!
Now, there are literally millions of coaches out there, so I can’t speak for everyone, but I can share with you how I work with my own clients and what happens during my sessions with them.
First of I follow ICF (the International Coach Federation) ethical guidelines and standards, therefore my sessions are structured according to their method and requirements.
This means my sessions have the classic format where I ask questions and my clients answers them and not the other way around.
So, why do I ask questions? Well, that’s because I don’t teach, I coach!
Questions are used as tools to promote reflection and personal growth, which is exactly what coaching is about. One of the core foundations of coaching is the belief that the client holds all the answers within him/herself and the coach merely acts as a facilitator.
This method is based on Socrates Maieutic and is considered more effective than providing answers and solutions to problems.

This said, don’t be afraid, you won’t be hammered with nonstop questions throughout the call or appointment! As a matter of fact, the optimal ratio is 80% (of the session’s time) client talk versus 20% for the coach. During that 80% of time while your coach isn’t talking, he or she is listening to you, offering you the safe space you need to unravel your thoughts.
Each session has a specific agenda, a topic to focus on chosen by the client.
As you can see, as a client you are given a lot of freedom and choices. Coaching can only be effective when and if you’re fully committed to your own growth and progress.

Simply put, you’ll be asked to choose at least one action, no matter how small, that can take you one step closer to your goal.
During the time in between sessions you’ll work on your action plan and the next session will start with looking at how things went, what worked or didn’t, which obstacles you met or not.
This is how progress is made, one step after the other!
Now that you know how it works, are you willing to give it a try?
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